Garland Power & Light
Home MenuInterval Data Manager
Garland Power & Light is pleased to offer Interval Data Manager (IDM) for customers with a demand of at least 500 kW and who are equipped with an interval data recorder meter.
Information is the key to managing your energy costs, and this web-based tool can help you make powerful energy management decisions. IDM puts your electric interval meter data at your fingertips, and will allow you to:
- Look at the load profile of your facility for any date range.
- Examine your profile in any resolution you select (15 minutes, 30 minutes, hour, day, week, month, year, etc.)
- Overlay weather data on the profile to determine if usage anomalies are weather related.
- Aggregate or compare the profiles for any grouping of facilities.
- Conduct “what-if” analysis to determine the actual savings from various load reduction or peak shaving activities.
- Normalize usage profiles to weather data.
- Compare historical usage to current usage.
- Benchmark usage against any contributing factors (percentage occupancy, manufacturing output, sales volume, etc.) that is pertinent to your operations.
- Export consumption data in common data formats (XML, CSV, etc.) for use in accounting or bench marking systems.
Please contact David Koliba to setup your Interval Data Manager Account or to request more information.
If you already have an Interval Data Manager Account, please login below.
Customers who have installed the latest Java Plug-in and who have access to IDM should see a box to log into the application above. If you need to access IDM and are unable to see this box, please contact David Koliba.